The Power of Laughter

Mikey Friedman, founder of Mikey’s Way Foundation used humor to help cope with his cancer. Moreover, he felt that by being uplifting, high spirited and humorous he was able to live life without fear. In fact, he once wrote, “By not being afraid, I was able to live.” The power of laughter has been shown to have positive effects on our mental and physical health. And Mikey specifically proved repeatedly that a chuckle or two can provide an important relief valve. The power of laughter is no joking matter as Mikey illustrated not only for himself but for all those around him.
So, What Is the Power of Laughter?
According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter is a great form of stress relief. Laughter has both short and long-term effects, which Mayo Clinic says can induce positive physical changes in your body! And while a good round of laughs and giggles won’t cure ongoing health issues, laughter can reduce stress and even boost the immune system!
Roswell Park agrees. They also report that deep belly laughter is no joke! “Stress winds the body up, physically and mentally.” they say, “Laughter unwinds the body and puts it in a more relaxed state. This may help to lessen depression, boost the immune system, promote a positive outlook, manage pain, lower blood pressure, increase self-confidence and oxygenate the body.”
Laughter Stimulates Feel Good Hormones
“When you laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body,” the Mayo Clinic explains. In fact, laughing actually enhances your intake of “oxygen-rich air,” increasing the endorphins released by your brain. These natural feel-good hormones promote a positive feeling in your body and may even temporarily relieve pain. A hearty belly laugh won’t treat health concerns. But it can help lessen stress, depression, and anxiety by boosting dopamine and serotonin – other “feel-good” hormones.
Activate and Relieve Your Stress Response
Laughter can even activate and relieve your stress response. Mayo reports, “Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.” They say, “A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.”
Boosting Your Immune System Through the Power of Laughter
When you giggle, laugh, or let out a serious round of chuckles, you reduce your body’s production of stress hormones. According to Mayo, positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.
Laughter Therapy
The National Cancer Institute’s Children With Cancer Guide for Parents, says that laughter therapy is actually a type of therapy that can help muscles relax and make a child feel less scared. They explain that laughter also causes the body to release endorphins, which can help to lower pain. And they suggest that books, songs, and movies may also be used as part of laughter therapy to lower stress, pain, and fear.
You Just Have to be Uplifting
Mikey chose to approach his cancer with humor. “My approach to the entire situation has been humor.” he wrote, “Believe it or not, I found light in the darkest depths of human circumstance. I was constantly uplifting. I had to be, I had to be me, while other patients lay in their beds, I chased my family members around with the I.V. pole.” Mikey lived by his mantra, “You just have to be uplifting.”
Add the Power of Laughter to Your Child’s Life
There’s nothing funny about childhood cancer. But the power of laughter can bring a smile to your child’s face and may have a positive influence on their health and treatment. So, go ahead, add more chuckles into your daily routine. Dust off your joke book, check out joke websites or silly videos and share a few laughs with your child to uplift their spirits. Even if it’s a series of groan-worthy puns or your goofy parent jokes, you’re sure to tickle your child’s funny bone and get those positive endorphins flowing.
- Stress relief from laughter? It’s no joke. Mayo Clinic Stress relief from laughter? It’s no joke – Mayo Clinic July 29, 2021.
- Washington Post. Laughter really is the best medicine? In many ways, that’s no joke. Marlene Ciomons, June 15, 2019
- Here’s why laughter is the best medicine Geisinger Why Laughter is the Best Medicine | Geisinger Published February 25, 2021
- Children With Cancer A Guide for Parents, National Cancer Institute, NH Publication No. 15-2378 September 2015
- What Is Laughter Yoga and How Can it Help Cancer Patients? Roswell Park blog post What Is Laughter Yoga and How Can it Help Cancer Patients? | Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center – Buffalo, NY Thursday, October 6, 2016 – 06:23 pm