Help Pediatric Cancer Patients Cope!
To Donate Online:
To Donate By Mail:
Please send a check made out to:
Mikey’s Way Foundation
1925 Black Rock Turnpike, Suite 201B
Fairfield, CT 06825
Please let us know if your donation is in memory or honor of a loved one. Include mailing information and we will send an acknowledgement.
Give a gift that will help kids cope with cancer… Mikey’s Way! Your donation will help pediatric cancer patients cope, bringing light into the dark days of treatment.
It takes an army of caring people to help a child diagnosed with cancer. Medical professionals are working on the future outcome, but individual donors like you can help patients in treatment today.
Your donation will help pediatric cancer patients cope with the fear, boredom and isolation associated with a cancer diagnosis.

“I honestly cannot think of any other organization that makes such an immediate and significant impact on the lives of pediatric cancer patients. I hope they keep doing what they’re doing. Their work is so, so important.”
– Mikey’s Way Donor
Thank you for helping kids cope with cancer… Mikey’s Way!