Mikey’s Wisdom – the voice of a pediatric cancer patient Blog Entries

  1. Mind-body Practices Can Lower Distress

    Mind-body practices like connecting with friends on a laptop can lower distress.
    Mind-body practices like connecting with friends on a laptop can lower distress.

    Receiving a childhood cancer diagnosis and undergoing treatment can be very stressful. Every aspect of a child’s life is turned upside down. The uncertainty and pain associated with long and grueling treatment can be overwhelming. But the good news is there are ways to help children cope.  Mind-body practices like yoga, mindfulness, and diversion can in fact lower distress. And connecting with classmates, friends and family using electronic devices can help at a time of significant isolation.

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  2. Life Exists Outside of Cancer

    Mikey’s Nuggets of Wisdom

    Life Exists Outside of Cancer - Mikey's Way Day

    “There is a pressing importance to remind pediatric cancer patients that life exists outside of cancer.” Mikey’s journal entries contain hundreds of nuggets of wisdom like this.

    Mikey’s insight was reflected in the way that he lived and the words that he wrote. Crafted with the skill of a master many years beyond his age, Mikey’s expressive writings offer both a philosophical perspective and a unique glimpse into the world of a pediatric cancer patient.

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  3. One Wish to Help Kids Cope With Cancer

    Mikey Friedman's One Wish helps kids cope with cancerIt Began With One Wish

    Mikey’s Way Foundation was founded with one wish. One wish ignited by a selfless, compassionate desire to help kids cope with cancer. Mikey chose to use his own Make-A-Wish for the purpose of helping others.  His desire to help others is indeed a testament to the very person that he was.  read more →

  4. Coping With Cancer Emotionally

    Coping With a Cancer Diagnosis

    Coping with emotions when you or a loved one has cancer can be difficult. Every person’s situation and needs are different which makes the emotional challenges and the cancer journey an individual one. However, identifying and addressing feelings and emotions can help lower stress which in turn can foster improved mental and physical health. read more →

  5. You Just Have To Be Uplifting

    In the Depths of Human Circumstances

    Michael wrote this piece when he was initially refused entry into the National Honor Society. He was told his grades were certainly good enough, but he lacked the necessary community service needed to be accepted. In true Mikey fashion he fought for what he believed in.


    Is the value of community service measured in time or in effect? Is leadership the governing of people during an event or helping those in need, inspiring them to follow your lead? Through my experiences, I have concluded that for both questions, the answer is the latter. I may be unable to fill out the sheets of community service and of leadership positions I’ve held in high school. But I am at no loss of inspiring others to follow my lead and providing an invaluable service to the community. read more →

  6. The Voice of a Pediatric Cancer Patient – Mikey’s Wisdom

    Words of Wisdom For Patients and People Who Love Them

    by Les Friedman, Mikey’s Dad

    Mikey penned the bulk of his writing when he was 16 and 17. Two days after his 15th birthday, Mikey was diagnosed with cancer and began treatment shortly thereafter, so by the time he started writing, he was very well acquainted with the cancer treatment process. read more →

  7. Planting a Seed of Hope for Pediatric Cancer Patients

    “Every choice we make is a seed”

    Mikey’s words (at 16 years of age), his spirit and his attitude inspire us every day as we carry out the work that he began during his brief lifetime.  In his own words, he eloquently and profoundly captured what would ultimately reflect his legacy:

    “The choices we make dictate the lives we lead” (author unknown).  We might wish and hope that the world will prosper and grow to be a better place, but if our choices fail to reflect this ambition, our intentions will be rendered irrelevant.  Every choice we make is a seed.  A consequence sprouts from each of these seeds.  Ultimately, the consequence stands as the only indicator that a choice was ever made.  As thunder trails lightening, consequence is the great betrayer of choice.  For this reason, our intentions can only manifest themselves through the consequences of the choices we make.  Mikey Friedman read more →